Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hi! I will be dispensing with the pleasantries on this one (see what I did there?) because if you're reading this, you already know me, and probably know Rob, or vice versa. We have been together on and off (mostly off) for about thirteen years, with huge gaps in between. Our relationship has been through severe dislike and mistrust, as well as somehow managing to fall in love over again a few times. (Also, he tried to have my ass kicked. It only semi-worked.) What stories I have to tell.

The past is past, and while it has shaped us into the people we are today, I'm more interested in the future. I am also so mad at myself for not finding a less generic way of writing that. Egads, woman. Drink more Starbucks and pull yourself together.

This blog will chronicle our misadventures with each other and the people we love around us. It's mainly for Old Me and Old Rob, for when we start to forget this stage of our lives. But you're welcome to come along for the ride. :)

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