Saturday, September 4, 2010

Apparently, my relationship weather vane is not completely broken.

Today, Rob, Steve and Amanda went to the Renaissance Fair. I was stuck at work, missing the opportunity of ogling medieval boobies squished together by homemade corsets. Mead was had, and as it turns out, Rob asked Steve to be his Best Man. Now, I wasn't privy to this conversation, but in my head I can imagine the conversation going down leaving Steve very confused. Leave it to Rob to have a Best Man before he has a fiancee. ::collective sigh::

Steve is Rob's best friend, and will do anything for him underneath the sun, except keep secrets from his OTHER best friend: ME. So out into the Houlihans parking lot runs Steve to meet up with me to tell me the fantastic news.

Steve: "Shay! I'm Rob's best mmmmmmmmm?" (that last part got a little bit dragged out as it finally occurred to him that Rob may have wanted to keep this little conversation between the two of them.) Steve clapped a hand over his mouth and turned abruptly on his heel and started marching back into the restaurant.

Me: (calling out to his back) "What are you?"

Steve: "Nothing! Nothing."

Steve disappears into the dark restaurant just as Rob explodes out of it. I get a trademark yelp and obnoxious hug from him as he almost tips me over and happily tells me that he asked Steve to be his Best Man.

Me: "Best Man for what?
Rob: "For what?"
Me: "What is he the Best Man for?" 
Rob: "He's not. *I'm* the best man. He is an Okay Man."
Me: "He seems to think he's the Best Man."
Rob: "Oh, yeah, I told him to be my Best Man in my wedding!"
Me: "I am excited for you! Don't you think you should have a fiancee first?"
Rob: "Well, picking Steve was easy. Picking a fiancee is going to be a lot harder."


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