Monday, October 4, 2010

Someone come over and plan my wedding, please.

We're only three weeks in, and already I'm disastrously overwhelmed. The rotten part of it is that I haven't even done anything yet.

Okay, let's start at the beginning, when Fairy Marriedmother (and bridesmaid) Danielle Miller swooped down to help organize. Simultaneous event planner and general good-idea haver, she came armed with a huge folder of pictures torn out of magazines, an arsenal of wedding websites, and a vast knowledge of what needs to be done. She sat me down in my desk (in her living room), broke out the chalkboard, and sang a song Mary Poppins-worthy song akin to "a Spoonful of Sugar" all while she was dancing around the room. I dutifully sat and asked stupid questions. Eight hours later, after visiting Starbucks (no, we can't get married there, I asked), a bridal shop, and 49572 websites, we found an ideal place to get married. I called Rob, who was having burgers and watching the Giants game with Tom Miller. He told me that whatever I decided would be fine, his job is just to smile, nod, and hand me his credit card. So. Venue was picked, colors were picked, bridal party was picked. I was sent home with a suitcase full of information, good wishes, and a pat on the head.

Then I got home.

I showed Rob the venue, the colors we had picked, the decor, etc... He didn't like any of it.

Rob: Those colors won't match the kilts.
Me: Whose kilts? 
Rob: OUR kilts. You know, me and my groomsbridesmaid thingies. The dudes.
Me: Your groomsmaids?
Rob: Yeah, them. We're wearing the colors of whichever tribes in Ireland we hail from.
Me: Your Bestmaidsman isn't Irish. You also have a half-Korean and a South African in there.
Rob: They can wear my colors.

(after a quick Google search)

Me: Your county kilt colors are an unfortunate purple and pee yellow.
Rob: Hurray! Purple and Pee Yellow it is!

Before I even tried combining those colors on David's Bridal's "Dress Your Wedding", I showed Rob the place.

Rob: It looks like the hotel in "The Shining". 
Me: Well, I tried to book the gas station by our house, but they're booked solid.
Rob: Eeeeehhhhhhh.I don't like it.
Me: (dragging out the old adage) You can't veto something without having a replacement idea.
Rob: ::plays Darksiders::
Me: Hello?
Rob: ::plays Darksiders::


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